Saturday, July 6, 2024

June 2024: Tree Limbs through Fence

 A bad wind storm blew through the area and trees blew down everywhere. A tree blew down in our back yard and fell through the fence.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Tree Limb on Roof

During a recent wind storm, a branch from one of the trees in the backyard partially broke and fell on the roof of the house. A brief inspection has indicated no damage to the roof. It's hoped that remains true.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Bob Woodward State Park

Taking a walk around the lake provides good exercise. After a summer of no rain and hot days, the evenings are starting to get cooler so folks can get outside more often.

 Next to the lake is an area enclosing picnic tables. This provides a very enjoyable time to eat and view the area. 

At one end of the lake is a fountain. Quite a sight and the noise is fun to listen to while walking.

As sunset proceeds, water fowl fly into the area and land on the lake. The is where they spend the night.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Eisenhower State Park

Eisenhower State Park spans a portion of the Texas side of the Red River near the town of Dennison, TX. The park offers camping, hiking, and new ATV trails. We have been here a few times in the past and enjoy the scenary.
The park is only an hour drive from our house and it is a convenient place to visit during the day. The images above were taken with an iPhone 13. Oklahoma is on the other side of the river.
The above is a diagram of the park in relation to the surrounding area.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Oak Point State Park

Oak Point is not very far from where we live but it's an area that I haven't visited since the park was created some years ago. This visit was merely an introduction to the area and to become acqainted with the map. I look forward to coming to the park again and hiking the trail system which is extensive.
This is the opening of the trail system in the park. There is also a paved footpath around the park to a small lake within the park boundaries which we've visited a year ago or so.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Water Pipe Deployment In Neighborhood

Water pipes yet to be installed. This project is large enough to cover all the streets in the area. Makes leaving the house rather difficult.
Note the large excavating equipment being used to dig up the streets. This is the large sturff
Apparently this project will take sometime to complete. Thank goodness the construction folks are working more than one street at a time.
The next day and as the above photo shows, we have a pile of dirt in front of the house and pipe ready to be buried.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Woodward Park as seen by an iPhone 13 Pro


Woodward Lake

Here is a photo taken with the iPhone 13 Pro. We got our iPhone less than 2 weeks ago and it takes great photos. A very handy phone!

Monday, April 19, 2021

April 2021 Bob Woodward Lake


Playground at the Lake

It was good to be able to visit the park again. Due to the pandemic, we have been essentially house bound all this time. It was good to get out and about.


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

October 2020 Cybershot Video

 During a particularly nice day in October, we decided to go out to Bob Woodward park for a quick visit just to get out of the house. It was fun and the weather was great.

Sony Cybershot video of the lake in Bob Woodward Park

JoAnn sitting on bench next to lake

Saturday, July 25, 2020

July 2020 A Walk Around a Lake

Bob Woodruff Park Looking North

Wanting to get out of the house, JoAnn and I went over to Bob Woodruff Park for a walk. We were feeling energetic enough to even make it around the lake shown above. Both of us did quite well.

JoAnn On Park Bench

Note we wore masks. We were the only folks in the park who did so. JoAnn took her trusty walking stick along as a walking aid.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

April 2020 Bob Woodruff Park After Re-Opening

Normally, there are usually about five cars in the parking lot on a clear day. But after being closed due to the pandemic and then being re-opened, this is the scene on the day after being opened again. Almost full lot.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

May 2019 Daingerfield State Park

On the day prior to Memorial Day, Joann and Tom traveled to Daingerfield State Park near Daingerfield, TX. It was partly cloudy with temps in the low 90's. Due to the holiday, the lake was somewhat crowded with folks having a good time in and around the water. JoAnn had brought a picnic lunch and a good table was found in the shade under trees. A small breeze made the day bearable.

The picnic was held under trees across from the Curio shop (shown above). Flags had been placed around the area celebrating Memorial Day.

Here is JoAnn at the picnic table. It was fun to eat lunch and see all the visitors.

After lunch, JoAnn and Tom went for a walk around the area. Here is a photo of the lake and some of the folks having a good time for the holiday.

JoAnn found a swingset to play on. The hiking stick came in handy during the walk.

Here is a shot of an inlet on the lake near the boat ramps.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

May 2019 Lake Texahoma

JoAnn and Tom ventured to Lake Texhoma for a first time visit to the area. Lake Texhoma is Oklahoma's second largest lake with outstanding fishing opportunities and public facilities for boating and camping. 

The lake is about halfway divided by a bridge for passenger cars. This is part of the route JoAnn and Tom took to reach the lake.

Photo from part of the shoreline of the lake. This area had a large number of campsites for visitors and marinas.

One of the many marinas on the lake. This marina was private and open only to members.

JoAnn on bridge to private marina. Overall, the trip went quite well and with excellent weather.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

May 2019 Mother's Day

On Mother's Day, JoAnn's son and wife took us out for Tex-Mex. The food was great and the experience was quite fun.

Penny, Kirby, and JoAnn

Sunday, May 5, 2019

May 2019 Bonham State Park

On May 5, 2019 Tom and JoAnn traveled to Bonham State Park, just outside of Bonham, TX. The weather was fair weather cumulus with blue skies. A delightful day to make a drive to the country.

Ranger Station

JoAnn Sitting Peacefully on  Park Bench

Bonham Lake with Pavillon and Pier