Monday, March 25, 2019

2019 Bob Woodward Park (again!)

JoAnn and Tom decided to make a quick visit to Bob Woodward park just to look around on a Monday morning. The park was quiet with maybe 6 or so walkers around the lake. Blue sky and very peaceful.

Sky was blue with no clouds. Just a few people walking.
SW end of the lake
Good place for a walk or even just to take a break and look around.

We wanted to go out onto the pier but it was flooded from the previous night's thunderstorm.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

2019 Cottonwood Mall

On March 24 JoAnn and Tom went on one of their usual walks at a local mall. Cottonwood Mall was exceptional in its heyday. Tom and JoAnn actually bought their wedding rings at a jewelry store in the mall many decades ago. Unfortunately, time has not treated the mall very well as much bigger malls have been recently built in other areas of the Metroplex. They have taken almost all customers away from Cottonwood and so the mall will be closed in the upcoming weeks.

Entrance 2 into the mall

Not many cars in the parking lot. Most folks go to walk as we do.

In we go

Immeat the store windows.diately, it looks like the mall is empty. At one time, the halls were crowed with people. That's JoAnn looking at the store windows.

Top floor. Nothing open and only a couple of people walking.

Bottom floor. Very fews stores and a few people walking. 

Sunday, March 17, 2019

2019 Caddo Grasslands and Coffee Mill Lake

On March 17, 2019 JoAnn and Tom went on an excursion to the Caddo Grasslands and Coffee Mill Lake in northeast Texas. The weather was clear and temps were in the mid-sixties. A pleasant day for traveling.

Caddo Grasslands
Several people were fishing on the lake when we arrived. The wind was still and one could almost venture out without a jacket.

Here is JoAnn resting at a nearby picnic table. The view of the lake was quite nice from here.

A view of the pier. We walk out to the end and had a good view of the lake. Although several folks who had been fishing on the lake had left by now, there were still a couple of boats moving slowly around the lake.

We've moved on Coffee Mill Lake. This was a popular fishing spot for folks and lots of people were camping. Don't see how they withstood the chilly nights as it would get down into the 30's.

Coffee Mill Lake. Looks like someone is taking advantage of the fishing opportunities here.