Monday, November 19, 2018

2018 Bob Woodward Park South

On November 18, JoAnn went over to the Bob Woodward city park. The park has a pavilion, playground, restrooms, fishing pier, sand volleyball court, and hard surface trails. The sky was clear but the temperature was 51 degrees.

Here is JoAnn sitting at a picnic table on the pier.

The pavilion in  the park is quite large. There were a few people walking in the park today.

The small lake has a fountain.

Panorama of the shoreline. There were a lot of ducks out on the water.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

2018 Daingerfield State Park

In November, 2018 JoAnn and I went to Daingerfield State Park in east Texas to see the fall colors of the hill country. We have previously been to the park and enjoy it due to being serene and colorful.

JoAnn at the entrance of the park. Although the day was sunny, the temperature was only 49 degrees.

Daingerfield Lake. No one was swimming but there were boaters on the lake.

JoAnn at the lake shore.

Some trees had turned color. However, most trees in the park were evergreens.

JoAnn at the ramp leading down into the water. Folks go down the stairs leading into the water and swim out to the platform.

Area is quite scenic. There is a small store in the park and restrooms.Camping is available.

Small inlet on the lake. Note the picnic tables. Overall, it was a fun trip despite the cold weather.

The lake is home for several ducks. One of them came over to take at look at us. They're quite friendly.

Canoes can be rented for a bit of leisure on the lake.

Shoreline. We had a good time despite the cold weather. It was fun!