Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Lake Murray State Park, OK

JoAnn and I did a quick trip to Lake Murray State Park in Oklahoma to visit the lake and areas of interest. Lake Murray is Oklahoma's first and largest state park with 12, 500 acres of land. The park provides camping, hiking, and boating for visitors. 

The first item of interest was a nearby chapel with beautiful stained glass windows. Here is a photo looking toward the front of the chapel.

This is a closeup of the front stained glass window. Note the open Bible on the stone shelf below the window. 

The Bible was open to Proverbs. It looked fairly weather beaten and old.
We next visited the lake itself. Here is JoAnn standing next to a pier.
Another perspective of the lake: a marina with Tucker Tower in the background. The tower contains a nature center and viewing deck. 

Here is JoAnn sitting at one of the park picnic benches viewing the lake. It was a fun time and a quick trip.