On March 24 JoAnn and Tom went on one of their usual walks at a local mall. Cottonwood Mall was exceptional in its heyday. Tom and JoAnn actually bought their wedding rings at a jewelry store in the mall many decades ago. Unfortunately, time has not treated the mall very well as much bigger malls have been recently built in other areas of the Metroplex. They have taken almost all customers away from Cottonwood and so the mall will be closed in the upcoming weeks.
Entrance 2 into the mall
Not many cars in the parking lot. Most folks go to walk as we do.
In we go
Immeat the store windows.diately, it looks like the mall is empty. At one time, the halls were crowed with people. That's JoAnn looking at the store windows.
Top floor. Nothing open and only a couple of people walking.
Bottom floor. Very fews stores and a few people walking.